Pasternak O, Westin CF, Dahlben B, Bouix S, Kubicki M Schizophr. Res. 2015 Jan;161(1):113-8 PMID: 25126717 Abstract In a previous study we have demonstrated, using a novel diffusion MRI analysis called free-water imaging, that the early stages of schizophrenia are more likely associated with a neuroinflammatory response and less so… read more →
Kates WR, Olszewski AK, Gnirke MH, Kikinis Z, Nelson J, Antshel KM, Fremont W, Radoeva PD, Middleton FA, Shenton ME, Coman IL Schizophr. Res. 2015 Jan;161(1):76-84 PMID: 25066496 Abstract BACKGROUND: The 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) is regarded as an etiologically homogenous model for understanding neuroanatomic disruptions associated with a high… read more →
Pinheiro AP, Del Re E, Nestor PG, Mezin J, Rezaii N, McCarley RW, Gonçalves ÓF, Niznikiewicz M Psychophysiology 2015 Jan;52(1):20-31 PMID: 25047946 Abstract This study used event-related potentials to examine interactions between mood, sentence context, and semantic memory structure in schizophrenia. Seventeen male chronic schizophrenia and 15 healthy control subjects… read more →
Maier-Hein KH, Westin CF, Shenton ME, Weiner MW, Raj A, Thomann P, Kikinis R, Stieltjes B, Pasternak O Alzheimers Dement 2015 May;11(5):485-493.e2 PMID: 25035154 Abstract BACKGROUND: Brain atrophy in subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) introduces partial volume effects, limiting the sensitivity of diffusion tensor imaging to white matter microstructural… read more →
Savadjiev P, Rathi Y, Bouix S, Smith AR, Schultz RT, Verma R, Westin CF Med Image Anal 2014 Dec;18(8):1349-60 PMID: 25066750 Abstract Current neuroimaging investigation of the white matter typically focuses on measurements derived from diffusion tensor imaging, such as fractional anisotropy (FA). In contrast, imaging studies of the gray… read more →
Jin X, Cao X, Zhong M, Chen L, Zhu X, Yao S, Yi J Compr Psychiatry 2014 Oct;55(7):1751-6 PMID: 25088516 Abstract BACKGROUND: The present study was conducted to develop a Chinese version of the 14-item Cognitive-Somatic Anxiety Questionnaire (CSAQ) and examine its psychometric properties. METHODS: The original English version of… read more →
Rathi Y, Michailovich O, Laun F, Setsompop K, Grant PE, Westin CF Med Image Anal 2014 Oct;18(7):1143-56 PMID: 25047866 Abstract For accurate estimation of the ensemble average diffusion propagator (EAP), traditional multi-shell diffusion imaging (MSDI) approaches require acquisition of diffusion signals for a range of b-values. However, this makes the… read more →
Akyuz N, Kekatpure MV, Liu J, Sheinkopf SJ, Quinn BT, Lala MD, Kennedy D, Makris N, Lester BM, Kosofsky BE Dev. Neurosci. 2014;36(3-4):316-28 PMID: 24994509 Abstract The brain morphometry of 21 children, who were followed from birth and underwent structural brain magnetic resonance imaging at 8-10 years, was studied. This… read more →
Hayashi K, Yoshimura R, Kakeda S, Kishi T, Abe O, Umene-Nakano W, Katsuki A, Hori H, Ikenouchi-Sugita A, Watanabe K, Ide S, Ueda I, Moriya J, Iwata N, Korogi Y, Kubicki M, Nakamura J Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 2014;10:1183-90 PMID: 25061303 Abstract We investigated the association between the Val158Met polymorphism of… read more →
Ohtani T, Bouix S, Hosokawa T, Saito Y, Eckbo R, Ballinger T, Rausch A, Melonakos E, Kubicki M Schizophr. Res. 2014 Aug;157(1-3):190-7 PMID: 24962436 Abstract INTRODUCTION: The medial orbitofrontal cortex (mOFC) and rostral part of the anterior cingulate cortex (rACC) are brain regions that are important in the neural network… read more →