The psychometric properties of the Cognitive-Somatic Anxiety Questionnaire in Chinese undergraduate students and clinical patients

Jin X, Cao X, Zhong M, Chen L, Zhu X, Yao S, Yi J

Compr Psychiatry 2014 Oct;55(7):1751-6

PMID: 25088516


BACKGROUND: The present study was conducted to develop a Chinese version of the 14-item Cognitive-Somatic Anxiety Questionnaire (CSAQ) and examine its psychometric properties.

METHODS: The original English version of the CSAQ was first translated into Chinese and then backtranslated and modified until cross-language equivalence was established. This version was then completed by 2168 undergraduate students and 289 clinical patients with mental disorder in China. The Mood and Anxiety Symptoms Questionnaire (MASQ) was also administered to students. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed to examine the two-factor construct, and the CSAQ’s internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and concurrent and discriminant validity were also evaluated.

RESULTS: The two-factor model (cognitive and somatic) of the CSAQ was confirmed, and the scale showed an adequate model fit in the student and clinical samples. The CSAQ showed adequate internal consistency (student sample: Cronbach’s α=0.82, mean inter-item correlation coefficient=0.25; clinical sample: Cronbach’s α=0.81, mean inter-item correlation coefficient=0.23) and good stability (2-week test-retest reliability in student sample, 0.84). The coefficient of correlation between CSAQ and overall anxious symptoms MASQ scores among students was 0.64.

CONCLUSIONS: The Chinese version of the CSAQ is a promising instrument for reliable and valid measurement of anxiety in Chinese populations.