Rathi Y, Michailovich O, Setsompop K, Bouix S, Shenton ME, Westin CF Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv 2011;14(Pt 2):58-65 PMID: 21995013 Abstract Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) is an important tool that allows non-invasive investigation of neural architecture of the brain. The data obtained from these in-vivo scans provides… read more →
Golland P, Kikinis R, Halle M, Umans C, Grimson WE, Shenton ME, Richolt JA Comput. Aided Surg. 1999;4(3):129-43 PMID: 10528270 Abstract In this article, we present a novel technique for visualization of three-dimensional (3D) surface models, as well as its implementation in a system called AnatomyBrowser. Using our approach, visualization… read more →
McInerney T, Hamarneh G, Shenton M, Terzopoulos D Med Image Anal 2002 Sep;6(3):251-66 PMID: 12270230 Abstract We introduce a new approach to medical image analysis that combines deformable model methodologies with concepts from the field of artificial life. In particular, we propose “deformable organisms”, autonomous agents whose task is the… read more →
Sabuncu MR, Shenton ME, Golland P Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv 2007;10(WS):47-54 PMID: 20224763 Abstract We demonstrate an EM-based algorithm that jointly registers and clusters a group of images using an affine transformation model. The output is a small number of prototype images that represent the different modes of… read more →
Balci SK, Golland P, Shenton M, Wells WM Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv 2007;10(WS):23-30 PMID: 20224762 Abstract In this work, we extend a previously demonstrated entropy based groupwise registration method to include a free-form deformation model based on B-splines. We provide an efficient implementation using stochastic gradient descents in… read more →
Potts GF, Gugino LD, Leventon ME, Grimson WE, Kikinis R, Cote W, Alexander E, Anderson JE, Ettinger GJ, Aglio LS, Shenton ME J Clin Neurophysiol 1998 Jul;15(4):344-50 PMID: 9736468 Abstract The perception of a visual stimulus can be inhibited by occipital transcranial magnetic stimulation. This visual suppression effect has been… read more →
Gugino LD, Romero JR, Aglio L, Titone D, Ramirez M, Pascual-Leone A, Grimson E, Weisenfeld N, Kikinis R, Shenton ME Clin Neurophysiol 2001 Oct;112(10):1781-92 PMID: 11595135 Abstract INTRODUCTION AND METHODS: Compound muscle action potentials (CMAPs) elicited by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) are characterized by enormous variability, even when attempts are… read more →
Ettinger GJ, Leventon ME, Grimson WE, Kikinis R, Gugino L, Cote W, Sprung L, Aglio L, Shenton ME, Potts G, Hernandez VL, Alexander E Med Image Anal 1998 Jun;2(2):133-42 PMID: 10646759 Abstract We describe functional brain mapping experiments using a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) device. This device, when placed on… read more →
Iosifescu DV, Shenton ME, Warfield SK, Kikinis R, Dengler J, Jolesz FA, McCarley RW Neuroimage 1997 Jul;6(1):13-25 PMID: 9245652 Abstract An automated registration algorithm was used to elastically match an anatomical magnetic resonance (MR) atlas onto individual brain MR images. Our goal was to evaluate the accuracy of this procedure… read more →
Martin-Fernandez M, Bouix S, Ungar L, McCarley RW, Shenton ME Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv 2005;8(Pt 1):515-22 PMID: 16685885 Abstract In this paper, we present an evaluation of seven automatic brain tissue classifiers based on level of agreements. A number of agreement measures are explained, and we show how… read more →