Pasternak O, Sochen N, Gur Y, Intrator N, Assaf Y Magn Reson Med 2009 Sep;62(3):717-30 PMID: 19623619 Abstract Relating brain tissue properties to diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is limited when an image voxel contains partial volume of brain tissue with free water, such as cerebrospinal fluid or edema, rendering the… read more →
Westin CF, Szczepankiewicz F, Pasternak O, Ozarslan E, Topgaard D, Knutsson H, Nilsson M Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv 2014;17(Pt 3):209-16 PMID: 25320801 Abstract In traditional diffusion MRI, short pulsed field gradients (PFG) are used for the diffusion encoding. The standard Stejskal-Tanner sequence uses one single pair of such… read more →
Malcolm J, Rathi Y, Tannenbaum A Proc IEEE Comput Soc Conf Comput Vis Pattern Recognit 2008;:1-8 PMID: 23680693 Abstract This paper proposes a novel method to apply the standard graph cut technique to segmenting multimodal tensor valued images. The Riemannian nature of the tensor space is explicitly taken into account… read more →
Michailovich O, Rathi Y Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv 2010;13(Pt 1):607-14 PMID: 20879281 Abstract A spectrum of brain-related disorders are nowadays known to manifest themselves in degradation of the integrity and connectivity of neural tracts in the white matter of the brain. Such damage tends to affect the pattern… read more →
Lienhard S, Malcolm JG, Westin CF, Rathi Y EURASIP J Adv Signal Process 2011 Jan;2011 PMID: 24348546 Abstract We describe a technique that uses tractography to visualize neural pathways in human brains by extending an existing framework that uses overlapping Gaussian tensors to model the signal. At each point on… read more →
Michailovich O, Rathi Y, Dolui S IEEE Trans Med Imaging 2011 May;30(5):1100-15 PMID: 21536524 Abstract Despite the relative recency of its inception, the theory of compressive sampling (aka compressed sensing) (CS) has already revolutionized multiple areas of applied sciences, a particularly important instance of which is medical imaging. Specifically, the… read more →
Melonakos J, Niethammer M, Mohan V, Kubicki M, Miller JV, Tannenbaum A Proc IEEE Int Conf Comput Vis 2007;:1-8 PMID: 23857521 Abstract In this paper, we describe a method for segmenting fiber bundles from diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance images using a locally-constrained region based approach. From a pre-computed optimal path, the… read more →
Makris N, Worth AJ, Sorensen AG, Papadimitriou GM, Wu O, Reese TG, Wedeen VJ, Davis TL, Stakes JW, Caviness VS, Kaplan E, Rosen BR, Pandya DN, Kennedy DN Ann. Neurol. 1997 Dec;42(6):951-62 PMID: 9403488 Abstract The precise characterization of cortical connectivity is important for the understanding of brain morphological and… read more →
Desai M, Kennedy DN, Mangoubi R, Shah J, Karl C, Worth A, Makris N, Pien H Neuroinformatics 2006;4(3):217-34 PMID: 16943628 Abstract This article applies a unified approach to variational smoothing and segmentation to brain diffusion tensor image data along user-selected attributes derived from the tensor, with the aim of extracting… read more →
Makris N, Gasic GP, Garrido L MethodsX 2014;1:217-224 PMID: 25431757 Abstract Measurements of water molecule diffusion along fiber tracts in CNS by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) provides a static map of neural connections between brain centers, but does not capture the electrical activity along axons for these fiber tracts. Here,… read more →