Ng TS, Lin AP, Koerte IK, Pasternak O, Liao H, Merugumala S, Bouix S, Shenton ME Alzheimers Res Ther 2014;6(1):10 PMID: 25031630 Abstract Sports-related concussions are one of the major causes of mild traumatic brain injury. Although most patients recover completely within days to weeks, those who experience repetitive brain… read more →
Asami T, Hyuk Lee S, Bouix S, Rathi Y, Whitford TJ, Niznikiewicz M, Nestor P, McCarley RW, Shenton ME, Kubicki M Psychiatry Res 2014 Apr;222(1-2):52-9 PMID: 24650453 Abstract Although diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies have reported fractional anisotropy (FA) abnormalities in multiple white matter (WM) regions in schizophrenia, relationship between… read more →
Tanev KS, Vento JA Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen 2014 Sep;29(6):513-20 PMID: 24550543 Abstract Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is second only to Alzheimer’s disease in individuals younger than 65 years of age. Behavioral variant FTD (bvFTD) presents with nonspecific symptoms such as disinhibition, apathy, or emotional blunting. Although neuropsychological testing… read more →
Helmer KG, Pasternak O, Fredman E, Preciado RI, Koerte IK, Sasaki T, Mayinger M, Johnson AM, Holmes JD, Forwell LA, Skopelja EN, Shenton ME, Echlin PS J. Neurosurg. 2014 Apr;120(4):864-72 PMID: 24490839 Abstract OBJECT: Concussion, or mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), is a commonly occurring sports-related injury, especially in contact… read more →
Pasternak O, Koerte IK, Bouix S, Fredman E, Sasaki T, Mayinger M, Helmer KG, Johnson AM, Holmes JD, Forwell LA, Skopelja EN, Shenton ME, Echlin PS J. Neurosurg. 2014 Apr;120(4):873-81 PMID: 24490785 Abstract OBJECT: Concussion is a common injury in ice hockey and a health problem for the general population.… read more →
Sasaki T, Pasternak O, Mayinger M, Muehlmann M, Savadjiev P, Bouix S, Kubicki M, Fredman E, Dahlben B, Helmer KG, Johnson AM, Holmes JD, Forwell LA, Skopelja EN, Shenton ME, Echlin PS, Koerte IK J. Neurosurg. 2014 Apr;120(4):882-90 PMID: 24471841 Abstract OBJECT: The aim of this study was to examine… read more →
Del Re EC, Bergen SE, Mesholam-Gately RI, Niznikiewicz MA, Goldstein JM, Woo TU, Shenton ME, Seidman LJ, McCarley RW, Petryshen TL Transl Psychiatry 2014;4:e346 PMID: 24424392 Abstract Several genes have recently been identified as risk factors for schizophrenia (SZ) by genome-wide association studies (GWAS), including ZNF804A which is thought to… read more →
Zhang X, Zhu X, Wang X, Zhu X, Zhong M, Yi J, Rao H, Yao S PLoS ONE 2014;9(1):e85241 PMID: 24416367 Abstract BACKGROUND: Major depressive disorder (MDD) has been associated with abnormal structure and function of the brain’s affective network, including the amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). However, it is… read more →
Rathi Y, Pasternak O, Savadjiev P, Michailovich O, Bouix S, Kubicki M, Westin CF, Makris N, Shenton ME Hum Brain Mapp 2014 Aug;35(8):3841-56 PMID: 24382651 Abstract Many studies have observed altered neurofunctional and structural organization in the aging brain. These observations from functional neuroimaging studies show a shift in brain… read more →
Morlet T, Rabinowitz MR, Looney LR, Riegner T, Greenwood LA, Sherman EA, Achilly N, Zhu A, Yoo E, O’Reilly RC, Jinks RN, Puffenberger EG, Heaps A, Morton H, Strauss KA Laryngoscope 2014 Mar;124(3):E95-103 PMID: 23946138 Abstract OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: SLITRK family proteins control neurite outgrowth and regulate synaptic development. In mice, Slitrk6… read more →