Ohtani T, Nestor PG, Bouix S, Newell D, Melonakos ED, McCarley RW, Shenton ME, Kubicki M Neuroscience 2017 01;341:52-60 PMID: 27840231 Abstract We combined diffusion tension imaging (DTI) of prefrontal white matter integrity and neuropsychological measures to examine the functional neuroanatomy of human intelligence. Healthy participants completed the Wechsler Adult… read more →
Lee JS, Kim CY, Joo YH, Newell D, Bouix S, Shenton ME, Kubicki M Schizophr. Res. 2016 10;176(2-3):144-150 PMID: 27554199 Abstract INTRODUCTION: Diffusion weighted MRI (dMRI) is a method sensitive to pathological changes affecting tissue microstructure. Most dMRI studies in schizophrenia, however, have focused solely on white matter. There is… read more →
Oestreich LK, Pasternak O, Shenton ME, Kubicki M, Gong X, , McCarthy-Jones S, Whitford TJ Neuroimage Clin 2016;12:405-14 PMID: 27622137 Abstract BACKGROUND: There is growing evidence to suggest that delusions associated with schizophrenia arise from altered structural brain connectivity. The present study investigated whether structural changes in three major fasciculi… read more →
Lyall AE, Savadjiev P, Shenton ME, Kubicki M J Neuroimaging Psychiatry Neurol 2016;1(1):10-19 PMID: 28620654 Abstract The study of how the human brain develops has always been a challenge and an interest to the scientific community. In recent years, new evidence has suggested that many neuropsychiatric disorders may originate from… read more →
Mayinger MC, Merchant-Borna K, Hufschmidt J, Muehlmann M, Weir IR, Rauchmann BS, Shenton ME, Koerte IK, Bazarian JJ Brain Imaging Behav. 2017 Jan 14. PMID: 28092023 Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate longitudinal changes in the diffusion characteristics of brain white matter (WM) in collegiate athletes at three time points: prior to the start of the football… read more →
Cherel M, Budin F, Prastawa M, Gerig G, Lee K, Buss C, Lyall AE, Consing KZ, Styner M Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng 2015 Feb;9413 PMID: 26089584 Abstract Automatic tissue segmentation of the neonate brain using Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) is extremely important to study brain development and perform… read more →
Sabuncu MR, Balci SK, Shenton ME, Golland P Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv 2008;11(Pt 2):381-9 PMID: 18982628 Abstract We present iCluster, a fast and efficient algorithm that clusters a set of images while co-registering them using a parameterized, nonlinear transformation model. The output is a small number of template… read more →
Pomschar A, Koerte I, Peraud A, Heinen F, Herber-Jonat S, Reiser M, Ertl-Wagner B. Radiologe. 2012 Sep;52(9):813-20. Abstract Causes and imaging patterns of hydrocephalus differ depending on the age of the patient. Traditionally, hydrocephalus was classified into non-communicating and communicating hydrocephalus but more recent classifications also take the site of… read more →
Rathi Y, Malcolm J, Bouix S, Tannenbaum A, Shenton ME J Comput 2010 Apr;2(4):1-11 PMID: 26029473 Abstract Two key aspects of coupled multi-object shape analysis and atlas generation are the choice of representation and subsequent registration methods used to align the sample set. For example, a typical brain image can… read more →
Seitz J, Sawyer KS, Papadimitriou G, Oscar-Berman M, Ng I, Kubicki A, Mouradian P, Ruiz SM, Kubicki M, Harris GJ, Makris N Brain Imaging Behav 2017 08;11(4):1006-1017 PMID: 27448160 Abstract Alcoholism can lead to a complex mixture of cognitive and emotional deficits associated with abnormalities in fronto-cortico-striatal-limbic brain circuitries. Given… read more →