Pietersen CY, Mauney SA, Kim SS, Lim MP, Rooney RJ, Goldstein JM, Petryshen TL, Seidman LJ, Shenton ME, McCarley RW, Sonntag KC, Woo TU J. Neurogenet. 2014 Mar-Jun;28(1-2):53-69 PMID: 24702465 Abstract Disrupted synchronized oscillatory firing of pyramidal neuronal networks in the cerebral cortex in the gamma frequency band (i.e., 30-100… read more →
Task-induced brain activity patterns in type 2 diabetes: a potential biomarker for cognitive decline
Marder TJ, Flores VL, Bolo NR, Hoogenboom WS, Simonson DC, Jacobson AM, Foote SE, Shenton ME, Sperling RA, Musen G Diabetes 2014 Sep;63(9):3112-9 PMID: 24705405 Abstract Patients with type 2 diabetes demonstrate reduced functional connectivity within the resting state default mode network (DMN), which may signal heightened risk for cognitive… read more →
Preti MG, Makris N, Papadimitriou G, Laganà MM, Griffanti L, Clerici M, Nemni R, Westin CF, Baselli G, Baglio F PLoS ONE 2014;9(3):e92026 PMID: 24637718 Abstract Guiding diffusion tract-based anatomy by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we aim to investigate the relationship between structural connectivity and functional activity in the… read more →
Pietersen CY, Mauney SA, Kim SS, Passeri E, Lim MP, Rooney RJ, Goldstein JM, Petreyshen TL, Seidman LJ, Shenton ME, Mccarley RW, Sonntag KC, Woo TU J. Neurogenet. 2014 Mar-Jun;28(1-2):70-85 PMID: 24628518 Abstract Dysregulation of pyramidal cell network function by the soma- and axon-targeting inhibitory neurons that contain the calcium-binding… read more →
Bai M, Zhu XZ, Zhang Y, Zhang S, Zhang L, Xue L, Zhong M, Zhang X Physiol. Behav. 2014 Apr;129:135-41 PMID: 24582667 Abstract OBJECTIVE: Depression is a serious mental illness. However, the molecular mechanisms responsible for the development of depression remain unknown. METHODS: In this study, animal models of depression… read more →
Ng TS, Lin AP, Koerte IK, Pasternak O, Liao H, Merugumala S, Bouix S, Shenton ME Alzheimers Res Ther 2014;6(1):10 PMID: 25031630 Abstract Sports-related concussions are one of the major causes of mild traumatic brain injury. Although most patients recover completely within days to weeks, those who experience repetitive brain… read more →
Asami T, Hyuk Lee S, Bouix S, Rathi Y, Whitford TJ, Niznikiewicz M, Nestor P, McCarley RW, Shenton ME, Kubicki M Psychiatry Res 2014 Apr;222(1-2):52-9 PMID: 24650453 Abstract Although diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies have reported fractional anisotropy (FA) abnormalities in multiple white matter (WM) regions in schizophrenia, relationship between… read more →
Tanev KS, Vento JA Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen 2014 Sep;29(6):513-20 PMID: 24550543 Abstract Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is second only to Alzheimer’s disease in individuals younger than 65 years of age. Behavioral variant FTD (bvFTD) presents with nonspecific symptoms such as disinhibition, apathy, or emotional blunting. Although neuropsychological testing… read more →
Helmer KG, Pasternak O, Fredman E, Preciado RI, Koerte IK, Sasaki T, Mayinger M, Johnson AM, Holmes JD, Forwell LA, Skopelja EN, Shenton ME, Echlin PS J. Neurosurg. 2014 Apr;120(4):864-72 PMID: 24490839 Abstract OBJECT: Concussion, or mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), is a commonly occurring sports-related injury, especially in contact… read more →
Pasternak O, Koerte IK, Bouix S, Fredman E, Sasaki T, Mayinger M, Helmer KG, Johnson AM, Holmes JD, Forwell LA, Skopelja EN, Shenton ME, Echlin PS J. Neurosurg. 2014 Apr;120(4):873-81 PMID: 24490785 Abstract OBJECT: Concussion is a common injury in ice hockey and a health problem for the general population.… read more →