Kikinis Z, Fitzsimmons J, Dunn C, Vu MA, Makris N, Bouix S, Goldstein JM, Mesholam-Gately RI, Petryshen T, Del Re EC, Wojcik J, Seidman LJ, Kubicki M Schizophr. Res. 2015 Mar;162(1-3):29-34 PMID: 25667192 Abstract BACKGROUND: The Anterior Commissure (AC) is an important interhemispheric pathway that connects contralateral temporal lobes and… read more →
Stamm JM, Bourlas AP, Baugh CM, Fritts NG, Daneshvar DH, Martin BM, McClean MD, Tripodis Y, Stern RA Neurology 2015 Mar;84(11):1114-20 PMID: 25632088 Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine the relationship between exposure to repeated head impacts through tackle football prior to age 12, during a key period of brain development, and… read more →
Ohtani T, Nestor PG, Bouix S, Saito Y, Hosokawa T, Kubicki M PLoS ONE 2014;9(12):e112691 PMID: 25551572 Abstract The medial orbitofrontal cortex (mOFC) and rostral anterior cingulate cortex (rACC) are part of a wider neural network that plays an important role in general intelligence and executive function. We used structural… read more →
Rosso IM, Olson EA, Britton JC, Stewart SE, Papadimitriou G, Killgore WD, Makris N, Wilhelm S, Jenike MA, Rauch SL Biol Mood Anxiety Disord 2014;4(1):13 PMID: 25540681 Abstract BACKGROUND: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common and debilitating neuropsychiatric illness thought to involve abnormal connectivity of widespread brain networks, including frontal-striatal-thalamic… read more →
Nestor PG, Ohtani T, Bouix S, Hosokawa T, Saito Y, Newell DT, Kubicki M Brain Imaging Behav 2015 Dec;9(4):839-47 PMID: 25515349 Abstract We examined intelligence and memory in 25 healthy participants who had both prior magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of gray matter volumes of medial orbital frontal cortex (mOFC) and… read more →
del Re EC, Spencer KM, Oribe N, Mesholam-Gately RI, Goldstein J, Shenton ME, Petryshen T, Seidman LJ, McCarley RW, Niznikiewicz MA Psychiatry Res 2015 Feb;231(2):126-33 PMID: 25557063 Abstract The clinical high risk (CHR) period is a phase denoting a risk for overt psychosis during which subacute symptoms often appear, and… read more →
Lange RT, Panenka WJ, Shewchuk JR, Heran MK, Brubacher JR, Bioux S, Eckbo R, Shenton ME, Iverson GL Arch Clin Neuropsychol 2015 Feb;30(1):7-25 PMID: 25416729 Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine the relation between the microstructural architecture of white matter, as measured by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI),… read more →
Fan J, Zhong M, Zhu X, Lei H, Dong J, Zhou C, Liu W Int J Psychophysiol 2014 Dec;94(3):420-6 PMID: 25448270 Abstract Previous studies on attentional bias have demonstrated that patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) have an overall longer reaction time (RT) for various stimuli. It was hypothesized that this… read more →
Li G, Wang L, Shi F, Lyall AE, Ahn M, Peng Z, Zhu H, Lin W, Gilmore JH, Shen D Brain Struct Funct 2014 Nov; PMID: 25362539 Abstract Schizophrenia is a neurodevelopmental disorder associated with subtle abnormal cortical thickness and cortical surface area. However, it is unclear whether these abnormalities… read more →
Ofori E, Pasternak O, Planetta PJ, Burciu R, Snyder A, Febo M, Golde TE, Okun MS, Vaillancourt DE Neurobiol. Aging 2015 Feb;36(2):1097-104 PMID: 25467638 Abstract Measures from diffusion magnetic resonance imaging reflect changes in the substantia nigra of Parkinson’s disease. It is the case, however, that partial volume effects from… read more →