Seidman LJ, Faraone SV, Goldstein JM, Goodman JM, Kremen WS, Toomey R, Tourville J, Kennedy D, Makris N, Caviness VS, Tsuang MT Biol. Psychiatry 1999 Oct;46(7):941-54 PMID: 10509177 Abstract BACKGROUND: Schizophrenia is characterized by subcortical and cortical brain abnormalities. Evidence indicates that some nonpsychotic relatives of schizophrenic patients manifest biobehavioral… read more →
Thermenos HW, Keshavan MS, Juelich RJ, Molokotos E, Whitfield-Gabrieli S, Brent BK, Makris N, Seidman LJ Am. J. Med. Genet. B Neuropsychiatr. Genet. 2013 Oct;162B(7):604-35 PMID: 24132894 Abstract In an effort to identify the developing abnormalities preceding psychosis, Dr. Ming T. Tsuang and colleagues at Harvard expanded Meehl’s concept of… read more →
Seidman LJ, Faraone SV, Goldstein JM, Kremen WS, Horton NJ, Makris N, Toomey R, Kennedy D, Caviness VS, Tsuang MT Arch. Gen. Psychiatry 2002 Sep;59(9):839-49 PMID: 12215084 Abstract BACKGROUND: Clues to the causes of schizophrenia can be derived from studying first-degree relatives because they are genetically related to an ill… read more →
Seidman LJ, Faraone SV, Goldstein JM, Goodman JM, Kremen WS, Matsuda G, Hoge EA, Kennedy D, Makris N, Caviness VS, Tsuang MT Am. J. Med. Genet. 1997 Sep;74(5):507-14 PMID: 9342202 Abstract Substantial evidence suggests that nonpsychotic relatives of schizophrenia patients manifest subtle abnormalities in communication, eye movements, event-related potentials, and… read more →
Faraone SV, Seidman LJ, Kremen WS, Kennedy D, Makris N, Caviness VS, Goldstein J, Tsuang MT Schizophr. Res. 2003 Apr;60(2-3):125-40 PMID: 12591577 Abstract Several studies suggest that the nonschizophrenic relatives of schizophrenic patients exhibit structural brain abnormalities that may be manifestations of genes that predispose to schizophrenia. In this work,… read more →
Thermenos HW, Makris N, Whitfield-Gabrieli S, Brown AB, Giuliano AJ, Lee EH, Faraone SV, Tsuang MT, Seidman LJ Bipolar Disord 2011 May;13(3):272-86 PMID: 21676130 Abstract OBJECTIVES: In this report, we seek to (i) identify a potential neuroimaging endophenotype for bipolar disorder (BD) in emotion regulatory and autonomic circuitry in young… read more →
Venkataraman A, Rathi Y, Kubicki M, Westin CF, Golland P Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv 2010;13(Pt 1):191-9 PMID: 20879231 Abstract We propose a novel probabilistic framework to merge information from DWI tractography and resting-state fMRI correlations. In particular, we model the interaction of latent anatomical and functional connectivity templates… read more →
Savadjiev P, Rathi Y, Bouix S, Smith AR, Schultz RT, Verma R, Westin CF Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv 2013;16(Pt 1):50-7 PMID: 24505648 Abstract Despite the fact that several theories link cortical development and function to the development of white matter and its geometrical structure, the relationship between gray… read more →
Ungar L, Nestor PG, Niznikiewicz MA, Wible CG, Kubicki M Psychiatry Res 2010 Jan;181(1):24-9 PMID: 19963356 Abstract Disturbances in selective attention represent a core characteristic of schizophrenia, whose neural underpinnings have yet to be fully elucidated. Consequently, we recorded brain activation using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while 15 patients… read more →
Functional and anatomical connectivity abnormalities in left inferior frontal gyrus in schizophrenia
Jeong B, Wible CG, Hashimoto R, Kubicki M Hum Brain Mapp 2009 Dec;30(12):4138-51 PMID: 19569073 Abstract Functional studies in schizophrenia demonstrate prominent abnormalities within the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) and also suggest the functional connectivity abnormalities in language network including left IFG and superior temporal gyrus during semantic processing.… read more →