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Harris K, Lin A, Bhattacharya P, Tran T, Wong W, Ross B Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 2006;576:263-73; discussion 361-3 PMID: 16802718 Abstract
Lin AP, Tran TT, Ross BD NMR Biomed 2006 Jun;19(4):476-83 PMID: 16763969 Abstract Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a robust, non-invasive means of defining aspects of human neurochemistry. After more than two decades, it is clear that in addition to its scientific interest, MRS has diagnostic value in tumor diagnosis,… read more →
Lin AP, Bennett E, Wisk LE, Gharib M, Fraser SE, Wen H Magn Reson Med 2008 Jul;60(1):8-13 PMID: 18581403 Abstract The walls of conduit arteries undergo cyclic stretching from the periodic fluctuation of arterial pressure. Atherosclerotic lesions have been shown to localize to regions of excessive stretching of the arterial… read more →
Tran T, Ross B, Lin A Neurol Clin 2009 Feb;27(1):21-60, xiii PMID: 19055974 Abstract In this article, we review the role of MRS in neurologic diagnosis and patient care. Technical discussion focuses on the few remaining issues, localization, spectral display, and interpretation because interesting questions surrounding this widely diverse methodology… read more →
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Ramadan S, Baltzer PA, Lin A, Stanwell P, Box H, Kaiser WA, Mountford CE Eur J Radiol 2012 Sep;81 Suppl 1:S129-31 PMID: 23083559 Abstract
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Levitt JJ, Tsuang MT Am J Psychiatry 1988 Aug;145(8):926-36 PMID: 3293474 Abstract Until the 1970s, schizophrenia tended to be broadly defined in the United States, and the diagnosis subsumed patients who had affective as well as schizophrenic symptoms. With the introduction of lithium, however, manic-depressive illness became susceptible to treatment… read more →