Caplan D, Hildebrandt N, Makris N Brain 1996 Jun;119 ( Pt 3):933-49 PMID: 8673503 Abstract Sixty patients, 46 with left-hemisphere strokes and 14 with right-hemisphere strokes, and 21 normal control subjects were tested for the ability to use syntactic structures to determine the meaning of sentences. Patients enacted thematic roles… read more →
Fischl B, Salat DH, Busa E, Albert M, Dieterich M, Haselgrove C, van der Kouwe A, Killiany R, Kennedy D, Klaveness S, Montillo A, Makris N, Rosen B, Dale AM Neuron 2002 Jan;33(3):341-55 PMID: 11832223 Abstract We present a technique for automatically assigning a neuroanatomical label to each voxel in… read more →
Caplan D, Gow D, Makris N Neurology 1995 Feb;45(2):293-8 PMID: 7854528 Abstract We tested 10 aphasic stroke patients for the ability to discriminate and identify English phonemes. All patients underwent MRI and had their scans analyzed morphometrically. Patients with impairments in acoustic-phonetic processing tended to have lesions involving the left… read more →
Tuch DS, Reese TG, Wiegell MR, Makris N, Belliveau JW, Wedeen VJ Magn Reson Med 2002 Oct;48(4):577-82 PMID: 12353272 Abstract Magnetic resonance (MR) diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) can resolve the white matter fiber orientation within a voxel provided that the fibers are strongly aligned. However, a given voxel may contain… read more →
DaSilva AF, Becerra L, Makris N, Strassman AM, Gonzalez RG, Geatrakis N, Borsook D J. Neurosci. 2002 Sep;22(18):8183-92 PMID: 12223572 Abstract Functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to image pain-associated activity in three levels of the neuraxis: the medullary dorsal horn, thalamus, and primary somatosensory cortex. In nine subjects, noxious… read more →
Takeoka M, Kim F, Caviness VS, Kennedy DN, Makris N, Holmes GL Epilepsia 2003 Feb;44(2):247-51 PMID: 12558582 Abstract PURPOSE: Rasmussen encephalitis is a progressive inflammatory process with difficult-to-control focal or lateralized seizure activity, leading to hemispheric dysfunction and atrophy in advanced stages. Anatomic changes of atrophy may be subtle in… read more →
Herbert MR, Harris GJ, Adrien KT, Ziegler DA, Makris N, Kennedy DN, Lange NT, Chabris CF, Bakardjiev A, Hodgson J, Takeoka M, Tager-Flusberg H, Caviness VS Ann. Neurol. 2002 Nov;52(5):588-96 PMID: 12402256 Abstract Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting cognitive, language, and social functioning. Although language and social communication abnormalities… read more →
Makris N, Hodge SM, Haselgrove C, Kennedy DN, Dale A, Fischl B, Rosen BR, Harris G, Caviness VS, Schmahmann JD J Cogn Neurosci 2003 May;15(4):584-99 PMID: 12803969 Abstract We describe a system of surface-assisted parcellation (SAP) of the human cerebellar cortex derived from neural systems functional and behavioral anatomy. This… read more →
Rauch SL, Phillips KA, Segal E, Makris N, Shin LM, Whalen PJ, Jenike MA, Caviness VS, Kennedy DN Psychiatry Res 2003 Jan;122(1):13-9 PMID: 12589879 Abstract Morphometric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to compare regional brain volumes in eight women with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) and eight healthy comparison subjects.… read more →
Herbert MR, Ziegler DA, Makris N, Filipek PA, Kemper TL, Normandin JJ, Sanders HA, Kennedy DN, Caviness VS Ann. Neurol. 2004 Apr;55(4):530-40 PMID: 15048892 Abstract Increased brain volume in autism appears to be driven mainly by an unexplained white matter enlargement, and we have reported a similar phenomenon in developmental… read more →