Pienaar R, Fischl B, Caviness V, Makris N, Grant PE Int J Imaging Syst Technol 2008 Jun;18(1):42-68 PMID: 19936261 Abstract The character and timing of gyral development is one manifestation of the complex orchestration of human brain development. The ability to quantify these changes would not only allow for deeper… read more →
Napadow V, Dhond RP, Purdon P, Kettner N, Makris N, Kwong KK, Hui KK Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2005;5:4496-9 PMID: 17281236 Abstract Past neuroimaging studies of acupuncture have demonstrated variable results for important brainstem nuclei. We have employed cardiac-gated fMRI with T1-variability correction to study the processing… read more →
Takeoka M, Riviello JJ, Duffy FH, Kim F, Kennedy DN, Makris N, Caviness VS, Holmes GL Neurology 2004 Oct;63(7):1289-92 PMID: 15477555 Abstract No specific anatomic abnormalities have been detected in typical Landau-Kleffner syndrome (LKS), an acquired epileptic aphasia with language regression in children. In four children with typical LKS without… read more →
Takahashi T, Kinsman S, Makris N, Grant E, Haselgrove C, McInerney S, Kennedy DN, Takahashi T, Fredrickson K, Mori S, Caviness VS Cereb. Cortex 2003 Dec;13(12):1299-312 PMID: 14615296 Abstract We present an MRI-based anatomic analysis of a series of seven human brains with the semilobar form of holoprosencephaly. The analysis… read more →
Holoprosencephaly–topologic variations in a liveborn series: a general model based upon MRI analysis
Takahashi TS, Kinsman S, Makris N, Grant E, Haselgrove C, McInerney S, Kennedy DN, Takahashi TA, Fredrickson K, Mori S, Caviness VS J. Neurocytol. 2004 Jan;33(1):23-35 PMID: 15173630 Abstract We present an MRI-based anatomic analysis of a series of 9 human brains, representing lobar, semilobar and alobar forms of holoprosencephaly.… read more →
Caviness VS, Makris N, Montinaro E, Sahin NT, Bates JF, Schwamm L, Caplan D, Kennedy DN Stroke 2002 Nov;33(11):2557-64 PMID: 12411642 Abstract BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The margin of a stroke is assumed to approximate a trace of the isobar of the perfusion threshold for infarction at the time that infarction… read more →
Herbert MR, Ziegler DA, Deutsch CK, O’Brien LM, Lange N, Bakardjiev A, Hodgson J, Adrien KT, Steele S, Makris N, Kennedy D, Harris GJ, Caviness VS Brain 2003 May;126(Pt 5):1182-92 PMID: 12690057 Abstract High-functioning autistic and normal school-age boys were compared using a whole-brain morphometric profile that includes both total… read more →
Rosas HD, Koroshetz WJ, Chen YI, Skeuse C, Vangel M, Cudkowicz ME, Caplan K, Marek K, Seidman LJ, Makris N, Jenkins BG, Goldstein JM Neurology 2003 May;60(10):1615-20 PMID: 12771251 Abstract BACKGROUND: Most clinical symptoms of Huntington disease (HD) have been attributed to striatal degeneration, but extrastriatal degeneration may play an… read more →
Rosas HD, Goodman J, Chen YI, Jenkins BG, Kennedy DN, Makris N, Patti M, Seidman LJ, Beal MF, Koroshetz WJ Neurology 2001 Sep;57(6):1025-8 PMID: 11571328 Abstract BACKGROUND: Huntington’s disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease that results from the expansion of a trinucleotide (CAG) repeat on chromosome 4. Progressive… read more →
Caviness VS, Makris N, Montinaro E, Sahin NT, Bates JF, Schwamm L, Caplan D, Kennedy DN Stroke 2002 Nov;33(11):2549-56 PMID: 12411641 Abstract BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The clinical diagnosis and treatment of stroke, as well as investigations into the underlying pathophysiology of the disease, hinge on inferences from the anatomy of… read more →