Cetin Karayumak S, Bouix S, Ning L, James A, Crow T, Shenton M, Kubicki M, Rathi Y Neuroimage 2019 01;184:180-200 PMID: 30205206 Abstract A joint and integrated analysis of multi-site diffusion MRI (dMRI) datasets can dramatically increase the statistical power of neuroimaging studies and enable comparative studies pertaining to several… read more →
Sydnor VJ, Rivas-Grajales AM, Lyall AE, Zhang F, Bouix S, Karmacharya S, Shenton ME, Westin CF, Makris N, Wassermann D, O’Donnell LJ, Kubicki M Neuroimage 2018 09;178:318-331 PMID: 29787865 Abstract Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) is an important method for studying white matter connectivity in the brain in vivo in… read more →
Hamoda HM, Makhlouf AT, Fitzsimmons J, Rathi Y, Makris N, Mesholam-Gately RI, Wojcik JD, Goldstein J, McCarley RW, Seidman LJ, Kubicki M, Shenton ME Brain Imaging Behav 2019 Apr;13(2):472-481 PMID: 29667043 Abstract The “cognitive dysmetria” hypothesis suggests that impairments in cognition and behavior in patients with schizophrenia can be explained… read more →
Gouttard S, Goodlett CB, Kubicki M, Gerig G Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng 2012 Feb;8314 PMID: 24353381 Abstract The evaluation of analysis methods for diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) remains challenging due to the lack of gold standards and validation frameworks. Significant work remains in developing metrics for comparing fiber… read more →
Joint Multi-Fiber NODDI Parameter Estimation and Tractography Using the Unscented Information Filter
Reddy CP, Rathi Y Front Neurosci 2016;10:166 PMID: 27147956 Abstract Tracing white matter fiber bundles is an integral part of analyzing brain connectivity. An accurate estimate of the underlying tissue parameters is also paramount in several neuroscience applications. In this work, we propose to use a joint fiber model estimation… read more →
Cho KI, Shenton ME, Kubicki M, Jung WH, Lee TY, Yun JY, Kim SN, Kwon JS Schizophr Bull 2016 May;42(3):723-31 PMID: 26598740 Abstract Disrupted thalamo-cortical connectivity is regarded as a core psychopathology in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. However, whether the thalamo-cortical white matter connectivity is disrupted before the onset of… read more →
Seitz J, Zuo JX, Lyall AE, Makris N, Kikinis Z, Bouix S, Pasternak O, Fredman E, Duskin J, Goldstein JM, Petryshen TL, Mesholam-Gately RI, Wojcik J, McCarley RW, Seidman LJ, Shenton ME, Koerte IK, Kubicki M Schizophr Bull 2016 May;42(3):762-71 PMID: 27009248 Abstract PURPOSE: Tractography is the most anatomically accurate… read more →
Chen Z, Tie Y, Olubiyi O, Zhang F, Mehrtash A, Rigolo L, Kahali P, Norton I, Pasternak O, Rathi Y, Golby AJ, O’Donnell LJ Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg 2016 Jan; PMID: 26762104 Abstract PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to present a tractography algorithm using a two-tensor… read more →
Wassermann D, Makris N, Rathi Y, Shenton M, Kikinis R, Kubicki M, Westin CF Brain Struct Funct 2016 12;221(9):4705-4721 PMID: 26754839 Abstract We have developed a novel method to describe human white matter anatomy using an approach that is both intuitive and simple to use, and which automatically extracts white… read more →
Makris N, Rathi Y, Mouradian P, Bonmassar G, Papadimitriou G, Ing WI, Yeterian EH, Kubicki M, Eskandar EN, Wald LL, Fan Q, Nummenmaa A, Widge AS, Dougherty DD Brain Imaging Behav 2016 12;10(4):1054-1067 PMID: 26518214 Abstract Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is a neurosurgical procedure that can reduce symptoms in medically… read more →