Tanev KS, Pentel KZ, Kredlow MA, Charney ME Brain Inj 2014;28(3):261-70 PMID: 24568300 Abstract PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: To summarize the literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI) and their co-morbidity, focusing on diagnosis, clinical symptoms and treatment issues relevant to the clinician. RESEARCH DESIGN: Review of the… read more →
Kasai K, Yamasue H, Gilbertson MW, Shenton ME, Rauch SL, Pitman RK Biol. Psychiatry 2008 Mar;63(6):550-6 PMID: 17825801 Abstract BACKGROUND: Controversy exists over the nature and origin of reduced regional brain volumes in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). At issue is whether these reductions represent preexisting vulnerability factors for developing PTSD… read more →
Gilbertson MW, Williston SK, Paulus LA, Lasko NB, Gurvits TV, Shenton ME, Pitman RK, Orr SP Biol. Psychiatry 2007 Sep;62(5):513-20 PMID: 17509537 Abstract BACKGROUND: A significant subgroup of individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) exhibits chronic, unremitting symptomatology that has also been associated with smaller hippocampal volume. The hippocampus plays… read more →
Levitt JJ, Chen QC, May FS, Gilbertson MW, Shenton ME, Pitman RK Psychiatry Res 2006 Dec;148(2-3):143-9 PMID: 17097862 Abstract Several functional neuroimaging studies have implicated the cerebellar vermis in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but there have been no structural neuroimaging studies of this brain structure in PTSD. We utilized magnetic… read more →