Fitzsimmons J, Hamoda HM, Swisher T, Terry D, Rosenberger G, Seidman LJ, Goldstein J, Mesholam-Gately R, Petryshen T, Wojcik J, Kikinis R, Kubicki M Schizophr. Res. 2014 Jul;156(2-3):157-60 PMID: 24837684 Abstract BACKGROUND: The fornix is a compact bundle of white matter fibers that project from the hippocampus to the mamillary… read more →
Bonne O, Brandes D, Gilboa A, Gomori JM, Shenton ME, Pitman RK, Shalev AY Am J Psychiatry 2001 Aug;158(8):1248-51 PMID: 11481158 Abstract OBJECTIVE: The authors prospectively explored whether a reduction in the volume of the hippocampus occurs in recent trauma survivors who develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). METHOD: Thirty-seven survivors… read more →
McCarley RW, Shenton ME, O’Donnell BF, Nestor PG Harv Rev Psychiatry 1993 May-Jun;1(1):36-56 PMID: 9384826 Abstract Bleuler and Kraepelin are described as icons of the aggressively psychological and aggressively biologic approaches to schizophrenia. We suggest that methodologic advances in studying the function and structure of the brain now allow a… read more →
Frumin M, Golland P, Kikinis R, Hirayasu Y, Salisbury DF, Hennen J, Dickey CC, Anderson M, Jolesz FA, Grimson WE, McCarley RW, Shenton ME Am J Psychiatry 2002 May;159(5):866-8 PMID: 11986146 Abstract OBJECTIVE: The corpus callosum, the largest white matter tract in the brain, is a midline structure associated with… read more →
Kikinis R, Shenton ME, Gerig G, Martin J, Anderson M, Metcalf D, Guttmann CR, McCarley RW, Lorensen W, Cline H J Magn Reson Imaging 1992 Nov-Dec;2(6):619-29 PMID: 1446105 Abstract A computerized system for processing spin-echo magnetic resonance (MR) imaging data was implemented to estimate whole brain (gray and white matter)… read more →
O’Donnell BF, Cohen RA, Hokama H, Cuffin BN, Lippa C, Shenton ME, Drachman DA Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1993 Dec;87(6):394-402 PMID: 7508372 Abstract Auditory event-related potential (ERP) components have been anatomically linked to temporal lobe structures and functionally related to attentional and memory processes. We recorded auditory ERPs using an “oddball”… read more →
Salisbury DF, Desantis MA, Shenton ME, McCarley RW Psychophysiology 2002 Jan;39(1):111-5 PMID: 12206291 Abstract Both the amplitude and latency of P300 vary with changes in stimulus parameters. Stimuli at intensities or pitch separations near threshold evoke a smaller and later P300. P300 is also affected by extraneous stimulus parameters in… read more →
Salisbury DF, O’donnell BF, Nestor PG, Shenton ME, McCarley RW CNS Spectr 1999;4(8):44-57 PMID: 17921930 Abstract The use of different imaging modalities provides the clinician and researcher with different views of anatomy and physiology at unprecedented levels of detail. Multimodal imaging allows for noninvasive measurement of structure and function in… read more →