Seitz J, Sawyer KS, Papadimitriou G, Oscar-Berman M, Ng I, Kubicki A, Mouradian P, Ruiz SM, Kubicki M, Harris GJ, Makris N Brain Imaging Behav 2017 08;11(4):1006-1017 PMID: 27448160 Abstract Alcoholism can lead to a complex mixture of cognitive and emotional deficits associated with abnormalities in fronto-cortico-striatal-limbic brain circuitries. Given… read more →
Tate DF, Wade BS, Velez CS, Drennon AM, Bolzenius J, Gutman BA, Thompson PM, Lewis JD, Wilde EA, Bigler ED, Shenton ME, Ritter JL, York GE J. Neurol. 2016 Jul; PMID: 27435967 Abstract Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is a significant health concern. The majority who sustain mTBI recover, although… read more →
Mirzaalian H, Ning L, Savadjiev P, Pasternak O, Bouix S, Michailovich O, Grant G, Marx CE, Morey RA, Flashman LA, George MS, McAllister TW, Andaluz N, Shutter L, Coimbra R, Zafonte RD, Coleman MJ, Kubicki M, Westin CF, Stein MB, Shenton ME, Rathi Y Neuroimage 2016 07;135:311-23 PMID: 27138209 Abstract… read more →
Joint Multi-Fiber NODDI Parameter Estimation and Tractography Using the Unscented Information Filter
Reddy CP, Rathi Y Front Neurosci 2016;10:166 PMID: 27147956 Abstract Tracing white matter fiber bundles is an integral part of analyzing brain connectivity. An accurate estimate of the underlying tissue parameters is also paramount in several neuroscience applications. In this work, we propose to use a joint fiber model estimation… read more →
Ning L, Westin CF, Rathi Y Front Neurosci 2016;10:129 PMID: 27064745 Abstract Disentangling the tissue microstructural information from the diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) measurements is quite important for extracting brain tissue specific measures. The autocorrelation function of diffusing spins is key for understanding the relation between dMRI signals and… read more →
Thermenos HW, Juelich RJ, DiChiara SR, Mesholam-Gately RI, Woodberry KA, Wojcik J, Makris N, Keshavan MS, Whitfield-Gabrieli S, Woo TU, Petryshen TL, Goldstein JM, Shenton ME, McCarley RW, Seidman LJ Schizophr. Res. 2016 May;173(1-2):1-12 PMID: 26965745 Abstract BACKGROUND: Deficits in working memory (WM) are a core feature of schizophrenia (SZ)… read more →
Westin CF, Knutsson H, Pasternak O, Szczepankiewicz F, Özarslan E, van Westen D, Mattisson C, Bogren M, O’Donnell LJ, Kubicki M, Topgaard D, Nilsson M Neuroimage 2016 07;135:345-62 PMID: 26923372 Abstract This work describes a new diffusion MR framework for imaging and modeling of microstructure that we call q-space trajectory… read more →
Cho KI, Shenton ME, Kubicki M, Jung WH, Lee TY, Yun JY, Kim SN, Kwon JS Schizophr Bull 2016 May;42(3):723-31 PMID: 26598740 Abstract Disrupted thalamo-cortical connectivity is regarded as a core psychopathology in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. However, whether the thalamo-cortical white matter connectivity is disrupted before the onset of… read more →
Savadjiev P, Seidman LJ, Thermenos H, Keshavan M, Whitfield-Gabrieli S, Crow TJ, Kubicki M Hum Brain Mapp 2016 Jan;37(1):254-61 PMID: 26467751 Abstract The characterization of neurodevelopmental aspects of brain alterations require neuroimaging methods that reflect correlates of neurodevelopment, while being robust to other progressive pathological processes. Newly developed neuroimaging methods… read more →
Landgraf MN, Ertl-Wagner B, Koerte IK, Thienel J, Langhagen T, Straube A, von Kries R, Reilich P, Pomschar A, Heinen F Eur. J. Paediatr. Neurol. 2015 May;19(3):372-6 PMID: 25596902 Abstract BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Migraine is frequent in young adults and adolescents and often associated with neck muscle tension and pain. Common pathophysiological… read more →