Levitt JJ, McCarley RW, Nestor PG, Petrescu C, Donnino R, Hirayasu Y, Kikinis R, Jolesz FA, Shenton ME Am J Psychiatry 1999 Jul;156(7):1105-7 PMID: 10401463 Abstract OBJECTIVE: Recent evidence suggests that the cerebellum may play a role in higher cognitive functions and, therefore, may play an important role in schizophrenia.… read more →
O’Donnell BF, McCarley RW, Potts GF, Salisbury DF, Nestor PG, Hirayasu Y, Niznikiewicz MA, Barnard J, Shen ZJ, Weinstein DM, Bookstein FL, Shenton ME Psychophysiology 1999 May;36(3):388-98 PMID: 10352563 Abstract Event-related potentials (ERPs) provide a noninvasive method to evaluate neural activation and cognitive processes in schizophrenia. The pathophysiological significance of… read more →
Holinger DP, Shenton ME, Wible CG, Donnino R, Kikinis R, Jolesz FA, McCarley RW Am J Psychiatry 1999 Nov;156(11):1730-5 PMID: 10553736 Abstract OBJECTIVE: Studies of schizophrenia have not clearly defined handedness as a differentiating variable. Moreover, the relationship between thought disorder and anatomical anomalies has not been studied extensively in… read more →
Kwon JS, O’Donnell BF, Wallenstein GV, Greene RW, Hirayasu Y, Nestor PG, Hasselmo ME, Potts GF, Shenton ME, McCarley RW Arch. Gen. Psychiatry 1999 Nov;56(11):1001-5 PMID: 10565499 Abstract BACKGROUND: Basic science studies at the neuronal systems level have indicated that gamma-range (30-50 Hz) neural synchronization may be a key mechanism… read more →
McCarley RW, Niznikiewicz MA, Salisbury DF, Nestor PG, O’Donnell BF, Hirayasu Y, Grunze H, Greene RW, Shenton ME Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 1999;249 Suppl 4:69-82 PMID: 10654112 Abstract Seeking to unite psychological and biological approaches, this paper links cognitive and cellular hypotheses and data about thought and language abnormalities… read more →
Salisbury DF, O’Donnell BF, McCarley RW, Nestor PG, Shenton ME Psychophysiology 2000 Jul;37(4):456-63 PMID: 10934904 Abstract Thought disorder in schizophrenia may involve abnormal semantic activation or faulty working memory maintenance. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded while sentences reading “THE NOUN WAS ADJECTIVE/VERB” were presented to 34 schizophrenic and 34 control… read more →
Niznikiewicz M, Donnino R, McCarley RW, Nestor PG, Iosifescu DV, O’Donnell B, Levitt J, Shenton ME Am J Psychiatry 2000 Mar;157(3):428-37 PMID: 10698820 Abstract OBJECTIVE: Few studies have evaluated the parietal lobe in schizophrenia despite the fact that it has an important role in attention, memory, and language-all functions that… read more →
Shenton ME, Dickey CC, Frumin M, McCarley RW Schizophr. Res. 2001 Apr;49(1-2):1-52 PMID: 11343862 Abstract After more than 100 years of research, the neuropathology of schizophrenia remains unknown and this is despite the fact that both Kraepelin (1919/1971: Kraepelin, E., 1919/1971. Dementia praecox. Churchill Livingston Inc., New York) and Bleuler… read more →
Zahajszky J, Dickey CC, McCarley RW, Fischer IA, Nestor P, Kikinis R, Shenton ME Schizophr. Res. 2001 Jan;47(1):87-97 PMID: 11163548 Abstract Some cognitive disturbances accompanying schizophrenia may be due to abnormalities in the thalamus and components of the limbic system. The fornix is an important white-matter relay pathway connecting these… read more →
Wible CG, Kubicki M, Yoo SS, Kacher DF, Salisbury DF, Anderson MC, Shenton ME, Hirayasu Y, Kikinis R, Jolesz FA, McCarley RW Am J Psychiatry 2001 Jun;158(6):938-43 PMID: 11384903 Abstract OBJECTIVE: Previous research has noted functional and structural temporal lobe abnormalities in schizophrenia that relate to symptoms such as auditory… read more →