Styner M, Oguz I, Xu S, Brechbühler C, Pantazis D, Levitt JJ, Shenton ME, Gerig G Insight J 2006;(1071):242-250 PMID: 21941375 Abstract Shape analysis has become of increasing interest to the neuroimaging community due to its potential to precisely locate morphological changes between healthy and pathological structures. This manuscript presents… read more →
Pohl KM, Bouix S, Shenton ME, Grimson WE, Kikinis R Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv 2007;26(9):1201-1212 PMID: 20407623 Abstract Many neuroanatomy studies rely on brain tissue segmentations of magnetic resonance images (MRI). We present a segmentation tool, which performs this task automatically by analyzing the MRIs as well as… read more →
Haidar H, Bouix S, Levitt J, McCarley RW, Shenton ME, Soul JS Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2004;2:1521-4 PMID: 17271986 Abstract This work presents a novel approach to analyze the shape of anatomical structures. Our methodology is rooted in classical physics and in particular Poisson’s equation, a fundamental… read more →
Nain D, Styner M, Niethammer M, Levitt JJ, Shenton ME, Gerig G, Bobick A, Tannenbaum A Proc IEEE Int Symp Biomed Imaging 2007 Apr;4:209-212 PMID: 19888446 Abstract We present a novel method of statistical surface-based morphometry based on the use of non-parametric permutation tests and a spherical wavelet (SWC) shape… read more →
Pohl KM, Fisher J, Shenton ME, McCarley RW, Grimson WE, Kikinis R, Wells WM Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv 2006;9(Pt 2):955-63 PMID: 17354865 Abstract The concept of the Logarithm of the Odds (LogOdds) is frequently used in areas such as artificial neural networks, economics, and biology. Here, we utilize… read more →
Cates J, Fletcher PT, Styner M, Shenton ME, Whitaker R Inf Process Med Imaging 2007;20:333-45 PMID: 17633711 Abstract This paper presents a new method for constructing compact statistical point-based models of ensembles of similar shapes that does not rely on any specific surface parameterization. The method requires very little preprocessing… read more →
Malcolm J, Rathi Y, Shenton ME, Tannenbaum A Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv 2008;11(Pt 2):416-24 PMID: 18982632 Abstract Richly labeled images representing several sub-structures of an organ occur quite frequently in medical images. For example, a typical brain image can be labeled into grey matter, white matter or cerebrospinal… read more →
Reuter M, Franz-Erichwolter, Shenton ME, Niethammer M Comput Aided Des 2009 Oct;41(10):739-755 PMID: 20161035 Abstract This paper proposes the use of the surface based Laplace-Beltrami and the volumetric Laplace eigenvalues and -functions as shape descriptors for the comparison and analysis of shapes. These spectral measures are isometry invariant and therefore… read more →
Onitsuka T, Niznikiewicz MA, Spencer KM, Frumin M, Kuroki N, Lucia LC, Shenton ME, McCarley RW Am J Psychiatry 2006 Mar;163(3):455-62 PMID: 16513867 Abstract OBJECTIVE: Schizophrenia impairs many cognitive functions, including face perception. Veridical face perception is critical for social interaction, including distinguishing friend from foe and familiar from unfamiliar… read more →
Mamata H, Mamata Y, Westin CF, Shenton ME, Kikinis R, Jolesz FA, Maier SE AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2002 Jan;23(1):67-75 PMID: 11827877 Abstract BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: MR diffusion tensor imaging permits detailed visualization of white matter fiber tracts. This technique, unlike T2-weighted imaging, also provides information about fiber direction. We… read more →