Bhattacharya P, Harris K, Lin AP, Mansson M, Norton VA, Perman WH, Weitekamp DP, Ross BD
MAGMA 2005 Nov;18(5):245-56
PMID: 16320090
OBJECTIVE: PASADENA, a chemical method of enhancing nuclear spin polarization has demonstrated 13C polarizations of order unity for the nascent products of molecular addition by parahydrogen. The extreme brevity of signal enhancement obtained by hyperpolarization requires improved 13C MR in vivo imaging techniques for their optimum utility.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: 13C imaging sequences, including 13C 3D FIESTA, were compiled for a GE LX 1.5 T clinical MR scanner. Two water soluble 13C imaging agents were hyperpolarized utilizing parahydrogen and an automated polarizer. 13C polarization was quantified in flow phantoms and in rats with jugular vein catheters.
RESULTS: Fast 3D FIESTA 13C MR imaging technique acquired sequential 3D images (3.66 s/acquisition) with superior SNR. Hyperpolarized 13C solutions and vascular phantoms achieved a maximum signal of 26,624+/-593. In vivo 13C MR images of the cardiopulmonary circulation showed maximum 13C signal of 2,402+/-158. 13C images acquired within 3.66 s showed signal enhancement over 10,000 compared to equilibrium polarization.
CONCLUSION: 3D-FIESTA was effective for sub-second in vivo imaging of hyperpolarized 13C reagents produced in a custom-built parahydrogen polarizer. Application to 13C hyperpolarized by parahydrogen is demonstrated in vitro and in vivo.
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