December 2017: Our recent article examining sex differences in neurological alterations induced by repetitive head impacts was featured by the Director of the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke, Dr. Walter Koroshetz, in the opening session of an NIH workshop entitled “Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury in Women”. Dr. Inga Koerte, the… read more →
November 2017: Dr. Inga Koerte was recently interviewed for a segment appearing on the popular German TV show “Sportschau”; parts of this interview also appeared on the TV channel Hessischer Rundfunk. The segment shines light on Dr. Koerte’s research concerning the effects of heading the ball in soccer, and Dr. Koerte discusses… read more →
Dr. Martha Shenton Delivers a Seminar for The Ferenc Jolesz National Center for Image Guided Therapy
October 2017: Dr. Martha Shenton recently spoke at a seminar for the National Center for Image Guided Therapy, addressing current topics in Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy and concussion research, and providing an overview of recent neuroimaging and histopathological findings.
February 2017: A study conducted by Dr. Inga Koerte on German football players was recently brought to the attention of the UK’s Professional Football Association (PFA) by individuals hoping that the PFA will fund independent research on the effects of heading in soccer on the brain. Dr. Koerte and Dr. Martha… read more →
January 2017: The U.S. Department of Defense’s Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) funded The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury Clinical Consortium, where Dr. Martha Shenton has been the lead on the neuroimaging aspects of this 10 site clinical consortium created to understand and to treat those afflicted with PTSD and traumatic brain injury. An article is featured… read more →