December 2011: Dr. Kikinis was awarded funding from the Harvard Catalyst Clinical Research Center Junior Investigator Laboratory Support Awards, to support her genotype analysis at the PCPGM facility.
September 2011: Dr. Fitzsimmons was chosen as one of the 25 most stylish Bostonians of 2011! See article on The Boston Globe.
June 2011: Dr. Hamoda received the Eleanor and Miles Shore Fellowship Program for Scholars in Medicine.
May 2011: Meina’s abstract for Society of Biological Psychiatry (SOBP), with the title “Abnormalities of White Matter Tracts between Rostral Middle Frontal Gyrus / Inferior Frontal Gyrus and Striatum in First-Episode Schizophrenia,” was one of 47 out of over 600 abstracts, based on overall scores, to be considered for the Top Poster… read more →
March 2011: An article appeared in the IEEE Spectrum magazine highlighting state-of-the-art software created by Dr. Yogesh Rathi that aid in picking out patients with Schizophrenia correctly 90% of the time.
January 2011: A new book titled Understanding Neuropsychiatric Disorders edited by Drs. Shenton and Turetsky is now available from Cambridge University Press.
Winter 2011: The Department of Psychiatry Newsletter explains how the Psychiatry Neuroimaging Lab is using novel neuroimaging techniques to study brain abnormalities in schizophrenia, traumatic brain injury, chronic traumatic encephalopathy and post-traumatic stress disorder.