Paniagua B, Lyall AE, Berger JB, Vachet C, Hamer RM, Woolson S, Lin W, Gilmore J, Styner M Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng 2013 Mar;8672 PMID: 23606800 Abstract Statistical shape analysis has emerged as an insightful method for evaluating brain structures in neuroimaging studies, however most shape frameworks are… read more →
Assaf Y, Pasternak O J. Mol. Neurosci. 2008;34(1):51-61 PMID: 18157658 Abstract Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has become one of the most popular MRI techniques in brain research, as well as in clinical practice. The number of brain studies with DTI is growing steadily and, over the last decade, has produced… read more →
Stein D, Neufeld A, Pasternak O, Graif M, Patish H, Schwimmer E, Ziv E, Assaf Y J Magn Reson Imaging 2009 Mar;29(3):657-62 PMID: 19243048 Abstract PURPOSE: To determine if diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of the median nerve could allow identification of patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). MATERIALS AND METHODS:… read more →
Dambreville S, Rathi Y, Tannenbaum A IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell 2008 Aug;30(8):1385-99 PMID: 18566493 Abstract Segmentation involves separating an object from the background in a given image. The use of image information alone often leads to poor segmentation results due to the presence of noise, clutter or occlusion.… read more →
Rathi Y, Vaswani N, Tannenbaum A IEEE Trans Image Process 2007 May;16(5):1370-82 PMID: 17491466 Abstract Tracking deforming objects involves estimating the global motion of the object and its local deformations as functions of time. Tracking algorithms using Kalman filters or particle filters (PFs) have been proposed for tracking such objects,… read more →
Malcolm J, Rathi Y, Yezzi A, Tannenbaum A Proc SPIE 2008 Mar;6914 PMID: 24392194 Abstract The level set method is a popular technique used in medical image segmentation; however, the numerics involved make its use cumbersome. This paper proposes an approximate level set scheme that removes much of the computational… read more →
Koerte I, Heinen F, Fuchs T, Laubender RP, Pomschar A, Stahl R, Berweck S, Winkler P, Hufschmidt A, Reiser MF, Ertl-Wagner B Invest Radiol 2009 May;44(5):279-84 PMID: 19346962 Abstract OBJECTIVES: The corpus callosum (CC) represents a key structure for hand motor development and is accessible to investigation by diffusion tensor… read more →
Muehlmann M, Koerte IK, Laubender RP, Steffinger D, Lehner M, Peraud A, Heinen F, Kiefer M, Reiser M, Ertl-Wagner B Invest Radiol 2013 Jul;48(7):543-7 PMID: 23695081 Abstract OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the pressure setting of the ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt valve and a… read more →
Napadow V, Dhond RP, Purdon P, Kettner N, Makris N, Kwong KK, Hui KK Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2005;5:4496-9 PMID: 17281236 Abstract Past neuroimaging studies of acupuncture have demonstrated variable results for important brainstem nuclei. We have employed cardiac-gated fMRI with T1-variability correction to study the processing… read more →
Poellinger A, Thomas R, Lio P, Lee A, Makris N, Rosen BR, Kwong KK Neuroimage 2001 Apr;13(4):547-60 PMID: 11305885 Abstract This study investigated human BOLD responses in primary and higher order olfactory cortices following presentation of short- and long-duration odorant stimuli using a 3-T MR scanner. The goal was to… read more →