Lee SH, Niznikiewicz M, Asami T, Otsuka T, Salisbury DF, Shenton ME, McCarley RW Schizophr Bull 2016 May;42(3):790-801 PMID: 26675295 Abstract Although the insula and temporal pole (TP) of paralimbic regions are important in both affective and cognitive processing, it is not well known whether gray matter volume (GMV) abnormalities… read more →
Seitz J, Zuo JX, Lyall AE, Makris N, Kikinis Z, Bouix S, Pasternak O, Fredman E, Duskin J, Goldstein JM, Petryshen TL, Mesholam-Gately RI, Wojcik J, McCarley RW, Seidman LJ, Shenton ME, Koerte IK, Kubicki M Schizophr Bull 2016 May;42(3):762-71 PMID: 27009248 Abstract PURPOSE: Tractography is the most anatomically accurate… read more →
Tate DF, Wilde EA, Bouix S, McCauley SR Brain Imaging Behav 2015 Sep;9(3):355-7 PMID: 26319533 Abstract
Wassermann D, Makris N, Rathi Y, Shenton M, Kikinis R, Kubicki M, Westin CF Brain Struct Funct 2016 12;221(9):4705-4721 PMID: 26754839 Abstract We have developed a novel method to describe human white matter anatomy using an approach that is both intuitive and simple to use, and which automatically extracts white… read more →
Del Re EC, Konishi J, Bouix S, Blokland GA, Mesholam-Gately RI, Goldstein J, Kubicki M, Wojcik J, Pasternak O, Seidman LJ, Petryshen T, Hirayasu Y, Niznikiewicz M, Shenton ME, McCarley RW Brain Imaging Behav 2016 12;10(4):1264-1273 PMID: 26678596 Abstract The lateral and third ventricles, as well as the corpus callosum… read more →
Makris N, Rathi Y, Mouradian P, Bonmassar G, Papadimitriou G, Ing WI, Yeterian EH, Kubicki M, Eskandar EN, Wald LL, Fan Q, Nummenmaa A, Widge AS, Dougherty DD Brain Imaging Behav 2016 12;10(4):1054-1067 PMID: 26518214 Abstract Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is a neurosurgical procedure that can reduce symptoms in medically… read more →
Ohtani T, Bouix S, Lyall AE, Hosokawa T, Saito Y, Melonakos E, Westin CF, Seidman LJ, Goldstein J, Mesholam-Gately R, Petryshen T, Wojcik J, Kubicki M Cortex 2015 Oct;71:264-76 PMID: 26277547 Abstract INTRODUCTION: The medial orbitofrontal cortex (mOFC) and rostral part of anterior cingulate cortex (rACC) have been suggested to… read more →
Del Re EC, Gao Y, Eckbo R, Petryshen TL, Blokland GA, Seidman LJ, Konishi J, Goldstein JM, McCarley RW, Shenton ME, Bouix S J Neuroimaging 2016 Jan-Feb;26(1):28-36 PMID: 26585545 Abstract UNLABELLED: Brain masking of MRI images separates brain from surrounding tissue and its accuracy is important for further imaging analyses.… read more →
Koerte IK, Hufschmidt J, Muehlmann M, Tripodis Y, Stamm JM, Pasternak O, Giwerc MY, Coleman MJ, Baugh CM, Fritts NG, Heinen F, Lin AP, Stern R, Shenton ME J. Neurotrauma 2015 Sep; PMID: 26414478 Abstract Post-mortem studies reveal a high rate of cavum septi pellucidi (CSP) in chronic traumatic encephalopathy… read more →
Wilde EA, Bouix S, Tate DF, Lin AP, Newsome MR, Taylor BA, Stone JR, Montier J, Gandy SE, Biekman B, Shenton ME, York G Brain Imaging Behav 2015 Sep;9(3):367-402 PMID: 26350144 Abstract Traumatic brain injury (TBI) remains one of the most prevalent forms of morbidity among Veterans and Service Members,… read more →