Whitford TJ, Ford JM, Mathalon DH, Kubicki M, Shenton ME Schizophr Bull 2012 May;38(3):486-94 PMID: 20855415 Abstract Any etiological theory of schizophrenia must account for at least 3 distinctive features of the disorder, namely its excessive dopamine neurotransmission, its frequent periadolescent onset, and its bizarre, pathognomonic symptoms. In this article,… read more →
Kikinis Z, Fallon JH, Niznikiewicz M, Nestor P, Davidson C, Bobrow L, Pelavin PE, Fischl B, Yendiki A, McCarley RW, Kikinis R, Kubicki M, Shenton ME Schizophr. Res. 2010 Nov;123(2-3):153-9 PMID: 20822884 Abstract The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is a brain region that has figured prominently in studies of schizophrenia… read more →
Whitford TJ, Mathalon DH, Shenton ME, Roach BJ, Bammer R, Adcock RA, Bouix S, Kubicki M, De Siebenthal J, Rausch AC, Schneiderman JS, Ford JM Psychol Med 2011 May;41(5):959-69 PMID: 20663254 Abstract BACKGROUND: Patients with schizophrenia (SZ) characteristically exhibit supranormal levels of cortical activity to self-induced sensory stimuli, ostensibly because… read more →
Makris N, Seidman LJ, Ahern T, Kennedy DN, Caviness VS, Tsuang MT, Goldstein JM Psychiatry Res 2010 Jul;183(1):21-9 PMID: 20538438 Abstract The cerebral white matter (WM) is critically involved in many bio-behavioral functions impaired in schizophrenia. However, the specific neural systems underlying symptomatology in schizophrenia are not well known. By… read more →
Whitford TJ, Kubicki M, Schneiderman JS, O’Donnell LJ, King R, Alvarado JL, Khan U, Markant D, Nestor PG, Niznikiewicz M, McCarley RW, Westin CF, Shenton ME Biol. Psychiatry 2010 Jul;68(1):70-7 PMID: 20494336 Abstract BACKGROUND: While the neuroanatomical underpinnings of the functional brain disconnectivity observed in patients with schizophrenia (SZ) remain… read more →
Voineskos AN, Lobaugh NJ, Bouix S, Rajji TK, Miranda D, Kennedy JL, Mulsant BH, Pollock BG, Shenton ME Brain 2010 May;133(Pt 5):1494-504 PMID: 20237131 Abstract In healthy adult individuals, late life is a dynamic time of change with respect to the microstructural integrity of white matter tracts. Yet, elderly individuals… read more →
Krause V, Krastoshevsky O, Coleman MJ, Bodkin JA, Lerbinger J, Boling L, Johnson F, Gibbs A, Cole JO, Huang Z, Mendell NR, Levy DL Schizophr. Res. 2010 Feb;116(2-3):133-42 PMID: 19944571 Abstract The delineation of schizophrenia-related symptomatology is critical to informative clinical phenotyping in linkage studies. A minority of first-degree relatives… read more →
Coleman MJ, Cestnick L, Krastoshevsky O, Krause V, Huang Z, Mendell NR, Levy DL Schizophr Bull 2009 Nov;35(6):1108-16 PMID: 19737806 Abstract Abnormalities of attention and visual perception are well documented in schizophrenia. The global-local task is a measure of attention and perceptual organization that utilizes visual stimuli comprised of large… read more →
Zahid MA, Ohaeri JU, Elshazly AS, Basiouny MA, Hamoda HM, Varghese R Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2010 Sep;45(9):875-87 PMID: 19727531 Abstract OBJECTIVES: We focused on the subjective quality of life (QOL) indicators of the Lancashire quality of life profile, European version (LQoLP-EU) in a Kuwaiti schizophrenia sample. The objectives were:… read more →
Spencer KM, Niznikiewicz MA, Nestor PG, Shenton ME, McCarley RW BMC Neurosci 2009;10:85 PMID: 19619324 Abstract BACKGROUND: Oscillatory electroencephalogram (EEG) abnormalities may reflect neural circuit dysfunction in neuropsychiatric disorders. Previously we have found positive correlations between the phase synchronization of beta and gamma oscillations and hallucination symptoms in schizophrenia patients.… read more →