Makris N, Biederman J, Valera EM, Bush G, Kaiser J, Kennedy DN, Caviness VS, Faraone SV, Seidman LJ Cereb. Cortex 2007 Jun;17(6):1364-75 PMID: 16920883 Abstract Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been associated with structural alterations in brain networks influencing cognitive and motor behaviors. Volumetric studies in children identify abnormalities in cortical,… read more →
Seidman LJ, Valera EM, Makris N, Monuteaux MC, Boriel DL, Kelkar K, Kennedy DN, Caviness VS, Bush G, Aleardi M, Faraone SV, Biederman J Biol. Psychiatry 2006 Nov;60(10):1071-80 PMID: 16876137 Abstract OBJECTIVES: Gray and white matter volume deficits have been reported in a number of studies of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity… read more →
Seidman LJ, Valera EM, Makris N Biol. Psychiatry 2005 Jun;57(11):1263-72 PMID: 15949998 Abstract Many investigators have hypothesized that attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) involves structural and functional brain abnormalities in frontal-striatal circuitry. Although our review suggests that there is substantial support for this hypothesis, a growing literature demonstrates widespread abnormalities affecting other… read more →