August 2015: A study by Drs. Julie Stamm, Inga Koerte, Robert Stern, and Martha Shenton on the effects of early-age football on brain development has been making headlines. This influential research, published in the Journal of Neurotrauma, has been featured in the Boston Globe, Science Daily, PBS, CBS, Redorbit and Medical Xpress.
June 2015: Former PNL research assistant Dr. Danielle Snyderman (98’-99’), a geriatrician, has been interviewing her elderly patients about their love stories to gain a better understanding of their needs during the later years of life. Read more here.
April 2015: Drs. Kubicki and Shenton recently Co-Chaired a symposium aimed a identifying important themes for the future of neuroinflamation research in schizophrenia at the 2015 International Congress on Schizophrenia, which was reviewed in Schizophrenia Research Forum. Dr. Pasternak presented his work on free-water analysis and its role in schizophrenia at the symposium.
February 2015: “Concussion Case: An Unsettling Wait” by Bridgette Bjorlo, published in Columbia Sports Journalism, discusses a lawsuit filed against the NFL for reportedly failing to inform players of the detrimental long term neurological health risks of repeated head injury. Dr. Martha Shenton is quoted, offering her opinion on the reality… read more →
February 2015: Isobel Green’s poster “A Study of Resting and Reading: Investigating the Neural Signature of Developmental Dyslexia through Resting-State fMRI Analysis” was awarded a 2015 National Collegiate Research Conference Award of Excellence. Read more here.