December 2008: ScienceWatch lists Harvard University at the top of 20 institutions in Psychiatry and Psychology based on total citations to papers published in Thomson Reuters-indexed Psychiatry and Pscyhology journals. These institutions are the top 20 out of a pool of 360 institutions comprising the top 1% ranked by total citation… read more →
October 2008: Dr. Shenton gave a talk titled “An Update of MRI and DTI Findings in Schizophrenia” on October 30 2008 at Grand Rounds for the Harvard Longwood Psychiatry Residency Training Program. September 2008: Dr. Shenton recently chaired “Symposium: Neuroimaging and Pyschosis – Current trends, 21st European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Congress” on September 1… read more →
NIH: Dr. Shenton was awarded the 1R03 TW 008134-01 National Institutes of Health Award for her research project titled, “MRI and Neuropsychological Findings in Schizophrenia, ADHD and Healthy Controls”. Dr. Rathi was awarded a grant from Partners Information Systems Research Council for the year 2008-2009 for his research project titled, “Real-time graphics processor unit based… read more →
April 2008 Interview: Dr. Kubicki was recently interviewed by for his 2007 fast breaking review paper in schizophrenia, which is rated in the top 1% of all papers cited in the field over the past year. This paper reviews findings in Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) in the field of schizophrenia.